About Laois PPN
What is Public Participation Network (PPN)
Laois Public Participation Network (PPN) is the main link through which organisations in Laois can interact with Laois County Council and participate in policy-making structures and committees of Council. The network addresses three broad themes also known as Electoral Colleges and theses are;
1) Community & Voluntary Organisations
2) Social Inclusion Organisations
3) Environmental Organisations
What does the PPN do?
The PPN facilitates the sharing of information on funding opportunities, public consultations and policy development in Laois County and it also acts as a focal point for groups with similar interests to connect with one another and share information and expertise. It also allows groups to nominate and elect PPN representatives to the Committees of Council.
In 2015 elections took place and have resulted in PPN reps being elected to Committees of Laois County Council. More information on these committees can be found here and the names of the PPN reps can be found here. The elections also resulted in the formation of a 12-member PPN Secretariat which acts as a steering group for overseeing the activities of the PPN and acts as the administrative and communication mechanism for the PPN.
What is the role of the PPN?
- To contribute to a vision for the well-being of this and future generations.
- To facilitate opportunities for networking, communication and the sharing of information between environmental, community and voluntary groups, and between these groups and the local authority.
- To identify issues of collective concern and work to influence policies locally in relation to these concerns.
- To encourage and enable public participation in local decision making and planning of services.
- To facilitate the selection of participants from the environmental, social inclusion and voluntary sectors onto decision making body.
- To work to develop the Environmental, Social Inclusion, Community and Voluntary sectors so that the work of these sectors are clearly recognised and acknowledged, and that the sectors have a strong collective voice within the County.
- To support the individual members of the Public Participation Network so that:
- They can develop their capacity and work more effectively.
- They can participate effectively in the Public Participation Network activities.
- They are included and their voices and concerns are heard.
About Laois PPN
Laois PPN was established in 2015 and over 400 organisations have registered with the PPN so far. These organisations were asked to choose the theme that they think most accurately reflects their main interests. These themed groupings are known as Electoral Colleges and there are three of them, Community & Voluntary Organisations, Social Inclusion Organisations & Environmental Organisations.
Organisations were also asked to choose the Municipal District in which they are active or in which they are based. There are 3 Municipal Districts in County Laois: Portlaoise, Borris-in-Ossary/Mountmellick, Graiguecullen/Portarlington
What is the organisational structure of the PPN?
The PPN is made up of a broad range of member organisations including Tidy Towns groups, Residents Associations, Sports Clubs, Community Councils, Youth Clubs, Environmental Groups and many more types of social inclusion, community & voluntary groups. The PPN is the network formed by all of these groups. Membership to the PPN ensures that organisations receive important information from Laois County Council and other public bodies. The PPN facilitates the sharing of information on funding opportunities, public consultations and policy development in Laois County and it also acts as a focal point for groups with similar interests to connect with one another and share information and expertise.
What is the aim of Laois PPN?
To facilitate and enable the public and
To facilitate the local authority in making better and more timely decisions through a structure that ensures public participation and representation on decision-making committees and bodies within local government.
Why should your group join?

How can your group benefit?
- Get information on funding, grants
and initiatives which are of interest to your group/organisation and community - Be part of a new way for the local authority to consult with the general public on its plans/strategies and services,
including: Local Areas plans, County Development Plans etc. - Elect representatives to local authority policy-making committees and influence what happens at these committees
- Networking: share information and ideas, learn from other
groups / in your area or sectororganisations - Use the PPN’s interactive web platform to link directly with other like-minded groups and
organisations across the County - Register with a Special Interest Group and focus on areas that interest your group

Michael J Cobbe
Graiguecullen / Portarlington Area Secretariat

Ann Fleming
Graiguecullen / Portarlington Community & Voluntary Secretariat

John Oxley
Portlaoise Area Secretariat

Donal O'Shea
Graiguecullen / Portarlington Social Inclusion Secretariat

Vincent Booth
Portlaoise Community & Voluntary Secretariat

Vacant Position
Graiguecullen / Portarlington Environment Secretariat

Vacant Position
Borris In Ossory / Mountmellick Environment Secretariat

Vacant Position
Borris In Ossory / Mountmellick Social Inclusion Secretariat

Vacant Position
Portlaoise Environment Secretariat

Get In Touch
(057) 866 5661
Laois PPN, JFL Avenue, Lyster Square, Portlaoise, Co. Laois
Contact Person
Dan Bergin
Laois PPN Co-Ordinator
Phone Number: 086 035 2107