Committee Name
Committee Purpose
To develop greater consultation, co-operation and synergy on policing and crime issues between An Garda Síochána, Laois County Council and its Elected Representatives, and the Community and Voluntary sector.
PPN Elected Reps on Committee
- Seat 1 – Bobby Delaney
- Seat 2 – Thomas Jones
- Seat 3 – Sara Geraldine Rasool
Committee Name
Enterprise, Economic Development & Tourism SPC
Committee Purpose
To assist the Council in the formulation, development and review of Enterprise, Economic Development & Tourism in Laois.
PPN Elected Reps on Committee
- PJ Phelan (Community Rep)
Committee Name
Climate Action & Climate Change SPC
Committee Purpose
To assist the Council in the formulation, development and review of Community & Climate Change Policy in Laois.
PPN Elected Reps on Committee
- Bobby Delaney (Environmental Rep)
- Ruth Sullivan (Community Rep)
- Michael Gorman (Social Inclusion Rep)
Committee Name
Transportation, Environment & Emergency Services SPC
Committee Purpose
To assist the Council in the formulation, development
PPN Elected Reps on Committee
- Vacant Seat
Committee Name
Housing Regeneration & Planning SPC
Committee Purpose
To assist the Council in the formulation, development and review of Housing & Planning Policy in Laois.
PPN Elected Reps on Committee
- Michael Cobbe (Social Inclusion Rep)
- Sheelagh Coyle (Environmental Rep)
Committee Name
Committee Purpose
To develop, co-ordinate and implement an integrated approach to local and community development. To pursue opportunities for funding & to monitor the Community elements of the LECP (Local Economic & Community Plan).
PPN Elected Reps on Committee
- John Oxley
- Nina Horan
- Joan Bolger
- Naeem Iqbal
- Ray Harte
Committee Name
Committee Purpose
Laois Heritage Forum is a partnership body, drawn from a range of
PPN Elected Reps on Committee
- Sean Murray
- Ray Harte
- Vera Donohue
Committee Name
Committee Purpose
The aim of Laois Tourism to develop and implement a sustainable tourism policy on behalf of the industry and enhance the image of Laois as a tourist destination.
PPN Elected Reps on Committee
- John Oxley / Vincent Booth
Committee Name
Committee Purpose
The main purpose of Laois Sports Partnership (LSP) is to promote, support and facilitate participation in sport and physical activity and implement the Laois Sports Partnership Strategic Plan and future plans
PPN Elected Reps on Committee
- Eibhlin Smith
- Marian Condren
Committee Name
Committee Purpose
PPN Elected Reps on Committee
- Monica Delaney
Committee Name
Committee Purpose
Laois Partnership Company was formed in 2008 to offer one unified structure for the delivery of economic, social and cultural services to small businesses, community groups and individuals in County Laois. This work is largely delivered through: The Rural Development Programme (previously LEADER), the Local Community Development Programme (previously LDSIP), as well as a number of other complementary programmes.
PPN Elected Reps on Committee
- Laurence Phelan
Committee Name
Laois County Childcare Committee
Committee Purpose
PPN Elected Reps on Committee
Committee Name
Laois County Council Placenames Committee
Committee Purpose
PPN Elected Reps on Committee
- Mary Lalor

Get In Touch
(057) 866 5661
Laois PPN, JFL Avenue, Lyster Square, Portlaoise, Co. Laois
Contact Person
Dan Bergin
Laois PPN Co-Ordinator
Phone Number: 086 035 2107